Who is the one who gladdens the heart of God?

Many ask the question “How can I know if I am pleasing the Lord?” One of the ways you can know for certain is abstaining from being deceitful. God is displeased with deceit, and as we can see, the world is full of deceit. The scriptures make it clear that God delights in those who are trustworthy. This is important because God honors His Word above His Name. (Psalms 138:2). So if His Word says He delights in trustworthiness, then you know that you are pleasing God when you choose to be honest and forthright. But if you are constantly lying and deceiving others, know that God detests this kind of behavior. Choose to be the one who will delight the heart of God. Even if the world mocks your honesty and trustworthiness, you will gladden the heart of God, and frankly, I’d rather have God pleased with me than having to please those who really don’t care about me anyway!

Proverbs 12:22 – The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.

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