Why Leaders Fail
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I have been in ministry for over 30 years. I have also managed residential properties, and have served as a regional director of Promise Keepers. During that time, I have learned many important principles, both from mentors and life experiences. I have made many mistakes, and I’ve gone through seasons of pain and sadness because of my mistakes. I learned that I could have cut my “pain” seasons substantially if I would have known key principles of personal discipline and leadership. However, every person has to come to that place where they want to learn the very principles that will take them to the next level of success and accomplishment.
On Veteran’s Day in the fall of 2003, our church building experienced a fire, and as a congregation, we were left homeless.

This helped me to finish my schooling and receive a doctorate in ministry, to write a book, and to pastor with joy, excitement, and expectation, all in the midst of various crises and issues. I learned that problems and crises do not necessarily determine your productivity and success. Remember that Jesus was able to sleep and rest in the midst of the storm. The storm did not control his life or future. He controlled his life and future.
John Maxwell once said “everything rises and falls on leadership.”
I agree with that. This also applies to personal leadership. We rise and fall to the level of our personal leadership and disciplines. You are not fit to lead anywhere, unless you are ready to lead yourself.
With that in mind, I have put together 11 lessons called “Why leaders fail.” In these lessons, I describe principles that can help you identify issues within yourself that might be hindering your personal growth. These principles will help you to excel in any area of life, business, and ministry.
One thing I learned is that God designed learning in such a way that we absolutely need teachers and mentors.
In Ephesians 4, it says that God gave “gifts” to the church, and then he goes on to mention what the gifts are: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and TEACHERS! If teachers were not necessary, why would God give us teachers? Paul told Timothy to teach others what Paul had taught him. Paul himself was taught by the finest Rabbis of his day.
In other words, we all need to learn wisdom from those who have acquired the wisdom that you are seeking. I have had the privilege of walking with great leaders who have taught me the “secrets” of their success, so to speak. These principles helped me to rebound from various crises, problems, failures and false starts.
Why Leaders Fail is an 11-week audio series that I taught this year. Those that were a part of the original training really appreciated these principles and have applied them to their lives. I guarantee that it will cause you to look at your life and current disciplines, and help you to identify areas in your life that you need to change. Self-leadership is the highest form of leadership. When we change, everything will change around us.
The training has 11 audio files, over 4 hours of teaching, and a corresponding e-Book with notes to each teaching. It is conveniently downloadable at any time via the link below.
The cost for the 11-week audio series is normally $25, and the e-Book is normally $9.99, but we are offering both resources through this holiday offer of $9.99. I want to get this opportunity to you now because I am working on the next phase of these trainings, and one will build on the other.
Give yourself the gift of wisdom today. Remember what the Proverbist once said “Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding (Proverbs 4:7).
Your pastor and co-laborer,
Victor Nazario
(718) 829-5306