Wow! What a powerful seed!

One of the simply amazing things about fruit, is that it carries seed themselves that can continue to duplicate themselves over and over. And in this manner, it helps to give life and health to all of humanity. In the same way, the actions of the righteous are like seeds that help to bring life and health to all those that they come in contact with. Their love, testimonies, kindness, compassion, patience, generosity and the like, help to reveal God’s love to this world. And in this way, people are able to connect with God in Christ. You are a living seed, when properly planted in good soil, bring forth life, joy, hope and faith. Never forget who you are and what you are called to do. You are a great blessing to this world! You are “The Righteous.”

Proverbs 11:30 – The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who [a]wins souls is wise.

6 Replies to “Wow! What a powerful seed!”

  1. I just came across this statement from an Elijah List article entitled “The Ninth Hour – From Survival to Revival ,” by Jane Hamon of Santa Rosa Beach, FL. She stated:

    “We must increase our time of praying in the Spirit and activating the gifts of the Holy Spirit to experience His fullness. We must also allow the development of the fruit of the Holy Spirit with the corresponding attitudes which exemplify righteousness and set us free from confinement. Remember, gifts are given but fruit is grown.”

    For me, the last line especially confirms what you stated about fruit!

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