You are the righteousness of God!

Righteousness is the gift of right standing before God. Romans 5:17 For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.)

Righteousness is also righteous actions taken by God’s people as a result of living out God’s word on an every day basis, both in private, and in the public arena. It is something that we work out every day. Acts 10:35 – But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.

Working righteousness is when we have a choice to do our own will, or do God’s will, we choose to do the righteous thing and do that which God would want us to do. As we act righteous, we shun evil actions, whether or not it is to lose our temper, curse because we might be angry at the moment, do any kind of evil to your neighbor, etc. Instead, we do the right thing that would please God, bring restoration, produce peace, etc. We have the responsibility of working righteousness in our daily actions. Choose today to work righteousness, and let your light shine!

Ephesians 6: 14 (b) having put on the breastplate of righteousness


7 Replies to “You are the righteousness of God!”

  1. Pastor, my husband and I look forward to these daily verses. Thank you for making it easier to understand God’s word. They inspire us to be better everyday in our walk with Christ. I am sure many people are reading these, and feel just as inspired. Thank you, and many blessings. – The Lopez Family

    1. Hi sister Jessica. Thank you for your kind thoughts. This is why we write these devotionals every day. I appreciate that you are taking out a moment to read them and bless you during your day. God’s best to you and your family!
      Pastor Victor

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