Your leaf shall not wither!

King David used a powerful picture of a healthy, fruitful tree to describe those who trust in the Lord. In verse 3, the king says that those who trust the Lord will bring forth fruit in their season. God seeks fruit in our lives. fruit of our faith; fruit of others coming to Christ through our witness; fruit of a life that pleases God. He also says that our “leaf shall not wither.” I believe that God is giving us new strength, new joy, new passion in this season. They enemy would try to cause us to “wither” and go away. God is saying that this will be our most fruitful season, and He will give us new strength and renew our youth. What the enemy meant for evil, God’s about ready to turn it around for our good! Receive new strength and joy today!

Psalms 1:3 He shall be like a tree planted by the [c]rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.


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