What are you saying and declaring?

Part of the faith life is learning to say what God’s word says about you. This is hard because our tendency is to react or to speak negatively. Most human beings spend the majority of their life criticizing and complaining. God was displeased with Israel when they received the negative report of the 10 spies in Numbers 13:32. God later on declares that none of those who complained would enter their inheritance (Numbers 14:26-28). You have the power of life and death in your tongue. There is power in what you say. King David SAID that he trusted the Lord his God. He SAID to Goliath that God would give him the victory over him. He lined up his words with his faith in God. It’s time to inspect the words that you speak. Use the next couple of days to realign your words with the word of God. Begin to release life into your environment and future by declaring God’s promises. There is power in your words!

Psalms 91:2 “I will SAY of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust’”

2 Replies to “What are you saying and declaring?”

  1. AMEN!!! Thank you for reminder Apostle Nazario! May we speak God’s word over our lives and others because God’s word is Spirit and life! Hallelujah, thank you LORD!!

  2. Thank you Pastor Apostle Nazario for this daily reminder which I pray to GOD to help me put into action🙏❤️😊

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